trace by debug.gem
Rails for OpenBSD
Ruby On Rails 7.0 on OpenBSD 7.0
Template for a minimalistic ultra-secure server setup for your Ruby On Rails apps. Choose OpenBSD for your Unix needs. OpenBSD -- the world’s simplest and most secure Unix-like OS. An alternatve to the vulnerabilities and overengineering of Linux and its related network services such as NGiNX/ Apache, OpenSSL, iptables/nftables, systemd, BIND, Postfix and much, much more. OpenBSD -- the cleanest kernel, the cleanest userland and the cleanest configuration syntax.
httpd(8) (PDF: brief intro) and acme-client(8) are for Let’s Encrypt TLS-certificates and their ACME-challenges. relayd(8) does the reverse proxying and TLS-termination, and behind all that is Ruby On Rails’ Puma webserver, managed by rc.subr(8) system startup scripts. nsd(8) does the DNS, and pf(8) the firewalling.
vbox$ cat .bundle/config --- BUNDLE_PATH: "vendor/bundle"
doas gem install rails rails new blog : cd blog emacs Gemfile gem "puma", "~> 5.0", :git => '' # <= edit bundle install :
rails newすると、インストールが始まるけど、pumaの所でopensslがらみでエラーになる。githubから直送するように編集して、失敗した奴をインストール。
vbox$ bin/rails server -b -p 8080 => Booting Puma => Rails application starting in development => Run `bin/rails server --help` for more startup options Puma starting in single mode... * Puma version: 5.6.4 (ruby 3.1.2-p20) ("Birdie's Version") * Min threads: 5 * Max threads: 5 * Environment: development * PID: 36040 * Listening on
Rails version: Ruby version: ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [i386-openbsd7.1]
blog配下で下記を実行すると、bundle exec .. が不要になるそうだ。
vbox$ bundle binstubs --path=vendor/bin `bundle binstubs` needs at least one gem to run.
vbox$ cat .bundle/config --- BUNDLE_BIN: "vendor/bin"
BAD knowhowだな。根がDSLだからしょうがない。
trace by rdbg
source "" git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" } gem "puma", "~> 5.0", :git => '' group :development do # Use console on exceptions pages [] gem "web-console" # Add speed badges [] # gem "rack-mini-profiler" # Speed up commands on slow machines / big apps [] # gem "spring" end
何となく設定ファイルと理解出来るんだけど、rubyのスクリプトの断片とも見える。正体は何なの? それに2行目を見ると、URLの文字列に、'.git' を追加してるっぽい。ならば、pumaを取りに行くとき、 と解釈されないか? この設定で問題なく動いていたぞ。
bundle initした後のGemfile に、gem 'profile' を指定。
vbox$ rdbg -c -- bundle install [4, 13] in /opt/bin/bundle 4| # 5| # The application 'bundler' is installed as part of a gem, and 6| # this file is here to facilitate running it. 7| # 8| => 9| require 'rubygems' 10| 11| version = ">= 0.a" 12| 13| str = ARGV.first =>#0 <main> at /opt/bin/bundle:9 (rdbg) trace call into: LOG # command Enable CallTracer (enabled) into: LOG (rdbg) c # continue command Fetching gem metadata from ;; past about 17min Resolving dependencies...... Using bundler 2.3.7 Fetching profile 0.4.0 Installing profile 0.4.0 Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 2 gems now installed. Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle`
vbox$ wc LOG 1411595 11703674 256772781 LOG
245Mものログサイズ。140万行とは、恐れいるな。 メソッドの入口と出口だけをログして、このサイズって亊は、lineでトレースしたらどうなるんだろう?
vbox$ head -5 LOG PID:15586 CallTracer (disabled) into: LOG DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:3 > Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems.rb:1219 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:4 > Hash#[] at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems.rb:1220 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:4 < Hash#[] #=> nil at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems.rb:1220 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:3 < Gem.find_unresolved_default_spec #=> nil at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems.rb:1222
vbox$ cat LOG | sed -e 's!DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth!!' >SLOG
それじゃ、#th:1 だけを、抽出し不要な文字列を削除する。
vbox$ egrep ':2 ' SLOG :2 > Array#first at /opt/bin/bundle:13 :2 < Array#first #=> "install" at /opt/bin/bundle:13 :2 > String#b at /opt/bin/bundle:15 :2 < String#b #=> "install" at /opt/bin/bundle:15 :2 > String#[] at /opt/bin/bundle:15 :2 < String#[] #=> nil at /opt/bin/bundle:15 :2 > Kernel#respond_to? at /opt/bin/bundle:24 :2 < Kernel#respond_to? #=> true at /opt/bin/bundle:24 :2 > Gem.activate_bin_path at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems.rb:283 :2 < Gem.activate_bin_path #=> "/EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/bund... at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/rubygems.rb:290 :2 > Kernel#load at /opt/bin/bundle:25 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:3 #depth:2 > Bundler::Worker#process_queue at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:53 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:4 #depth:2 > Bundler::Worker#process_queue at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:53 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:4 #depth:2 < Bundler::Worker#process_queue #=> nil at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:59 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:3 #depth:2 < Bundler::Worker#process_queue #=> nil at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:59 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:5 #depth:2 > Bundler::Worker#process_queue at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:53 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:6 #depth:2 > Bundler::Worker#process_queue at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:53 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:5 #depth:2 < Bundler::Worker#process_queue #=> nil at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:59 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:6 #depth:2 < Bundler::Worker#process_queue #=> nil at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/worker.rb:59 :2 < Kernel#load #=> true at /opt/bin/bundle:25
ふむ、親のスレッドで全てを賄っているかと思ったら、違った。ネットへのアクセスは子供のスレッドに任せる黄金の法則が適用されているのだな。grepに -n を付けて、出現行番号を付けた方が、いいな。こうして、桁が消費されていく。広い画面な人はいいけど、ノーパソの年寄には辛いな。
vbox$ egrep '(#depth:2 |#depth:3 )' LOG | wc -l 138 vbox$ egrep '(#depth:2 |#depth:3 |#depth:4 )' LOG | wc -l 198 vbox$ egrep '(#depth:2 |#depth:3 |#depth:4 |#depth:5 )' LOG | wc -l 302
vbox$ egrep '#th:2' SLOG | wc -l 0 vbox$ egrep '#th:3' SLOG | wc -l 5520 vbox$ egrep '#th:4' SLOG | wc -l 12 vbox$ egrep '#th:5' SLOG | wc -l 882 vbox$ egrep '#th:6' SLOG | wc -l 64486
vbox$ grep profile SLOG :21< String#freeze #=> "gem \"profile\"\n" at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/dsl.rb:49 :21< String#freeze #=> "gem \"profile\"\n" at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/dsl.rb:49 : :48< String#split #=> ["action_profiler", "1.0.0", "02e4a593dd... at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/compact_index_client/cache.rb:56 :48< String#split #=> ["active-record-profiler", "0.1,1.0,1.1.... at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/compact_index_client/cache.rb:56
depthによって右にインデントしてくれるのは、時と場合によって、目障りだなあ。 それから、スクリプトのPATHも何とかして短縮出来無いか?
vbox$ cat SLOG | sed -e 's#/EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler#$BUN#' | \ sed -e 's/ * / /' >VSLOG
:30< String#<< #=> "GEM\n remote:\n ... at $BUN/lockfile_generator.rb:63
sakae@pen:/tmp/t$ cat LOG | sed -e 's#.*/\(.*.rb:.*\)#\1#' | head -30
basenameとdirnameを分離出来たら便利かな。上記はbasename用。こうして、出演スクリプト名を抽出して、TAGファイルを作成。後はスイスイとTAGジャンプする(by emacs)。あれ、ruby用のTAG作成機なんてあるかな?
sakae@pen:/tmp/t$ cat LOG | sed -e 's#.*/\(.*.rb\):.*#\1#' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head 695390 cache.rb 24307 common.rb 12040 version.rb 10012 specification.rb 7422 stub_specification.rb 6630 settings.rb 6458 kernel_require.rb 6168 requirement.rb 5844 tar_header.rb 5680 fileutils.rb
matsさんがパイプ言語を作っていたそうだけど、どうなったんだろう? 仮に出来上がっていたとしても、rubyじゃ荷が重い。上記もコマンドを投入して、結果が得られるまで随分待たされるからね。
パイプの終端をwcに変更して、使われるスクリプト数を数えたら756種類と出てきた。こんなに沢山のスクリプトを使ってるの? にわかに信じ難い。ああ、人に言えないBUGが混入してた。 sedは難しいとだけ言っておく。
debug.gem BUG?
2度目のbundle install を行って、子供のスレッドが動くか(動かないと思う)確認。
sakae@pen:/tmp/t$ grep -v '#th:1' ZZ PID:1798 CallTracer (disabled) into: ZZ ([a-zA-Z][\-+.a-zA-Z\d]*)... at /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb:507 ([a-zA-Z][\-+.a-zA-Z\d]*)... at /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb:507 (?: (?: ... at /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb:508 (?: (?: ... at /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0/uri/rfc2396_parser.rb:508 : ^((?-mix: ){2}|(?-mix: ){4}|(?-m... at /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/bundler-2.3.12/lib/bundler/lockfile_parser.rb:153 ruby\s ([\d.]+) # ruby ver... at /var/lib/gems/2.7.0/gems/bundler-2.3.12/lib/bundler/ruby_version.rb:52
sakae@pen:/tmp/t$ ruby -v ruby 2.7.4p191 (2021-07-07 revision a21a3b7d23) [x86_64-linux-gnu] sakae@pen:/tmp/t$ gem info debug *** LOCAL GEMS *** debug (1.5.0) Author: Koichi Sasada Homepage: Licenses: Ruby, BSD-2-Clause Installed at: /var/lib/gems/2.7.0 Debugging functionality for Ruby
下記は環境を変えてOpenBSD ruby 3.1.2p20 + debug 1.5.0 grepを行番号付きにしてみました。
1:PID:49794 CallTracer (disabled) into: LOG 112205: \A 112206: (\w+\.)? # optional... at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/settings.rb:487 114884: ^ 114885: (?:[ ]*-[ ]) # '- ' befo... at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/yaml_serializer.rb:35 114888: ^ 114889: ([ ]*) # indentations 114890: ... at /EXTd/opt/lib/ruby/3.1.0/bundler/yaml_serializer.rb:47 :
vbox$ rdbg /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb [1, 9] in /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb => 1| def longnamefact(n) 2| if n == 0 3| 1 4| else 5| n * longnamefact(n-1) 6| end 7| end 8| 9| longnamefact(40) =>#0 <main> at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:1 (rdbg) trace call into: LOG # command
PID:40492 CallTracer (disabled) into: LOG DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:2 > Object#longnamefact at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:1 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:3 > Integer#== at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:2 : DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:40> Integer#- at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:5 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:40< Integer#- #=> 2 at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:5 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:40> Object#longnamefact at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:1 : DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:3 < Integer#* #=> 8159152832478977343456112695961158942720... at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:5 DEBUGGER (trace/call) #th:1 #depth:2 < Object#longnamefact #=> 8159152832478977343456112695961158942720... at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:7
現場を再現出来たとしよう。。。 次は、軽く改造。
vbox$ diff -u tracer.rb.orig tracer.rb --- tracer.rb.orig Mon Apr 25 15:09:35 2022 +++ tracer.rb Mon May 10 06:08:35 2022 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ end def header depth - "DEBUGGER (trace/#{@type}) \#th:#{Thread.current.instance_variable_get(:@__thread_client_id)} \#depth:#{'%-2d'%depth}" + "\#th:#{Thread.current.instance_variable_get(:@__thread_client_id)} \#dpt:#{'%-2d'%depth}" end def enable @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ next if skip?(tp) depth = caller.size - sp = ' ' * depth + sp = ' ' call_identifier_str = if tp.defined_class
PID:28696 CallTracer (disabled) into: ZZ #th:1 #dpt:2 > Object#longnamefact at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:1 #th:1 #dpt:3 > Integer#== at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:2 : #th:1 #dpt:40> Integer#- at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:5 #th:1 #dpt:40< Integer#- #=> 2 at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:5 #th:1 #dpt:40> Object#longnamefact at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:1 : #th:1 #dpt:3 < Integer#* #=> 8159152832478977343456112695961158942720... at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb:5 #th:1 #dpt:2 < Object#longnamefact #=> 8159152832478977343456112695961158942720... at /tmp/deeeeeeeeeeeeepdir/longlongfact.rb :7
返値が長いのは、どう対応すればいいの? ああ、session.rb に有る SHORT_INSPECT_LENGTH
= 40 が元ネタか。幾つにするのが適当か、悩ましいな。
mrubyのmは、何の略? 普通に思い付くのはminiだな。ミリじゃ座りが悪いし、でも何となく micropythonに大きさの点で負けてしまうように思える。今度作るなら、nrubyが良いかも。 ナノって解釈すれば、マイクロよりはずっと小さい。newって解釈すれば、とても新しいって思える。
vbox$ make : ================================================ Config Name: host/mrbc Output Directory: build/host/mrbc Binaries: mrbc Included Gems: mruby-bin-mrbc - mruby compiler executable mruby-compiler - mruby compiler library ================================================
vbox$ ldd bin/mruby bin/mruby: Start End Type Open Ref GrpRef Name 1748c000 37499000 exe 1 0 0 bin/mruby 046b3000 246b5000 rlib 0 1 0 /usr/lib/ 01c0d000 21c1e000 rlib 0 1 0 /usr/lib/ 0d4dd000 0d4dd000 0 1 0 /usr/libexec/